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Coffee Table Book in a Limited Edition Box and a PEACE Print -
“I was–we were (as several folks in the office crowded ’round)–completely blown away. By its power and dignity, its implicit compassion and yet unblinking eye. What a wonderful project and I only wish I hadn’t been on the road for the last three and a half months because I would have been able to see this amazing project sooner.”
“Daniel Epstein’s Portraits in Faith is a deeply moving communal prayer of gratitude to the power that is greater us all of us. He unveils the strength and unity resulting from fully embracing and respecting our differences and
similarities. Each page of the journey through the stories of wise and spiritual people of different ages, perspectives, life experiences, religious and non-religious beliefs, countries of origin, and more…leaves the voyager awestruck.”
“Few things inspire as much passion, sacrifice, and hope as faith. No matter how far the reach into scientific discovery and technology, our souls yearn for the Divine, by design. Portraits in Faith is a celebration of this yearning—a window into its beauty—in both doubt and certainty. It is a book about what makes us human, and what connects us to God and to one another.”
“It’s not often that a book comes along that changes your view of the world and fills you with new hope. This beautiful work is in itself an act of faith, one that will reward readers every time they open it up and read it again. What a gift!”
“It is so meaningful to see the sacred process of ‘Order-Disorder-Reorder’ come to life in the human journey across religions and spiritual followings as brought to life in the Portraits in Faith project. I was honored to be included in this wonderful exploration and honoring of the Divine Spirit in all of humanity.”
“I have followed and encouraged Daniel Epstein’s journey over the past 18 years as he so beautifully documented the spiritual journey of 500 people in 25 countries. Portraits in Faith reveals that there is no ‘Other’ and that all of humanity is connected. In all my years of corporate and government leadership, I have not seen a more meaningful synthesis of all that matters in life.”
“Science has shown that hope and faith in something bigger than yourself can promote your overall well-being. The Portraits In Faith documentary project is a deeply moving and meaningful exploration of faith across traditions and all walks of life. This beautiful book is a must read for anyone who aspires to honor their fellow human beings.”
“These Portraits in Faith illustrate just how rich and consequential the human experience can be when we see ourselves in the context of a larger picture. Thanks Daniel for so masterfully blending images and testimonies to reveal the beauty and diversity—and indeed the oneness—of humanity.”
“The journey of faith is one of the most intimate and profound parts of human life. Portraits In Faith helps discover the diamond that God’s presence is in every person’s life, reflected in a myriad of colors. I am truly honored to be a part of this mosaic of Portraits and pray that each person who reads this book may see themselves reflected in it.”
“Portraits In Faith opens the door for us each to let the light of the Divine into our lives…and invites us to be the light for others in their lives. I am so grateful to be a part of this wonderful project and book.”
“This book is symphonic. It gathers and celebrates a vibrant range of faith experiences, from the deeply-rooted religious to the wildly free. Each person featured here sings a different soul-song, all flowing back into the ocean of the inter-being to which we all belong.”
“When we hear the word faith, many of us think of words like theology and orthodoxy. But thanks to Daniel Epstein’s beautiful new book, perhaps in the future more of us will think of two new words: biography and photography. Portraits in Faith invites us to see faith embodied in people’s stories and faces, and as I go from page to page, I feel reverence, awe, humility, wonder, and joy. A beautiful gift for anyone you love, and a masterpiece to grace any coffee table or library. — Brian D. McLaren, former pastor, author, activist”
“Portraits In Faith is a masterpiece of our collective humanity. It brings to light and reminds us of many deep and crucial messages: how we must honor each other and our journeys, how holding tight to our own integrity and individual mission help us to remain whole within ourselves, and how we must, no matter what, strive to connect with the greater universe and with the Divine Light. My prayer is that the spirit of this beautiful book and project resonates throughout the world and brings each of us just a little bit closer to healing.”
“Faith is the space where belief and body meet, an exquisite reality beyond definition. But somehow, by drawing out the lived experience of exemplars of faithful living, Portraits in Faith transcends the limits of language and joins witness and participant into a dance of the spirit and reminds us all of what truly a human version of humanity looks like, sounds like, and does in the world.” – Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Scholar in Residence, UJA-Federation NY”
“Daniel Epstein is, himself, a beautiful gift to the world. The stories from years of his generous listening are shared with us through Portraits of Faith. We get the honor of witnessing a rare depth of open hearted sharing from hundreds of people from around the world. There are few places you can go to immerse yourself in the glorious diversity of voices sharing so authentically from their lives, religious traditions and hearts. Reading through the book is a spiritual experience. The questions, repeated to each person, are a container that opens people up and draws us all deep down. I’ve used his resources in local interfaith sharing and it is powerful. I found myself sobbing several times. Tears like that are evidence to me of the presence of the Sacred, and a reminder of our deep human interconnection.”
“Portraits of Faith is a Revelation in the mystical, spiritual, OMG meaning of the word. In a world of spectacle and appearances, Daniel Epstein has magically mixed images and stories of great depth and authenticity. Here are hero journeys of Faith Innovators of the next operating system of our humanity. Portraits of Faith is a contemporary sacred text reminding us that faith is a verb -a current that runs in myriad forms from the same source and that there are some among us who are Masters of Faith-ing from whom we can learn to transform our world.”